Group of Three

Group of Three
тж. Group of 3 сокр. G3, G-3
межд. эк. Группа трех
а) (три наиболее индустриально развитые страны: США, Япония, Германия)
б) (три латиноамериканские страны, заключившие в 1994 г. соглашение о свободной торговле: Венесуэла, Колумбия и Мексика)
* * *
группа трех

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "Group of Three" в других словарях:

  • group of three — group made up of three (people, etc.) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Group of Three — G3 The three largest Western industrialized economies, i. e. the USA, Germany, and Japan …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Three Dog Night — Background information Origin Los Angeles, California, U.S. Genres …   Wikipedia

  • Group marriage — Group marriage, also known as multi lateral marriage, is a form of polyamory in which more than two persons form a family unit, with all the members of the group marriage being considered to be married to all the other members of the group… …   Wikipedia

  • Three Brothers (islands) — Three Brothers is a group of three islands 20 km East of Eagle Islands along the central western rim of the Great Chagos Bank, which is the world s largest coral atoll structure, located in the Chagos Archipelago. There is also a tiny unexplored… …   Wikipedia

  • Group of Marxist-Leninists/Red Dawn — (in Dutch: Groep van Marxisten Leninisten/Rode Morgen ), is a maoist group in the Netherlands. GML/Rode Morgen was founded in 1977, as a merger of different groups of individuals expelled from the Communist Unity Movement of the Netherlands… …   Wikipedia

  • three — [thrē] adj. [ME < OE threo, thrie, akin to Ger drei < IE base * trei > L tres, Gr treis, Sans tri] totaling one more than two n. 1. the cardinal number between two and four; 3; III 2. any group of three people or things 3. something… …   English World dictionary

  • Three O'Clock Lobby — The Three O Clock Lobby was a statewide, youth run youth advocacy organization in Michigan in the late 1970s. It was one of the forerunners of the American youth rights movement. Formation In 1976, Michigan s Office of Juvenile Justice Services… …   Wikipedia

  • Three Stooges in popular culture — The Three Stooges comedy routines have inspired generations of tributes in other media. This article provides a partial list of such tributes.Tributes* The Boo Brothers in Scooby Doo Meets the Boo Brothers are obvious parodies of The Three… …   Wikipedia

  • Three Witnesses — The Three Witnesses were a group of three early leaders of the Latter Day Saint movement who signed a statement in 1830 saying that an angel had shown them the golden plates from which Joseph Smith, Jr. translated the Book of Mormon and that they …   Wikipedia

  • Group ring — This page discusses the algebraic group ring of a discrete group; for the case of a topological group see group algebra, and for a general group see Group Hopf algebra. In algebra, a group ring is a free module and at the same time a ring,… …   Wikipedia

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